Thursday, May 13, 2004 – 11:34 pm

I might have been on TV!

The NewRO came to my work today to do a story on They did most of the interview with my CEO right in front of my office! I kind of sat there…hiding behind my iMac screen. All you can probably see is my bald head and the Mac logo.

Did anyone see me?

Wait…who here watches the NewRO for NEWS? I barely watch it for TV.

(Just kidding…I watch Breakfast@theNewRO every morning…I love how they send Stephanie Beaumont to all these horrible locations to do field reporting while the two older anchors sit in the comforts of the office. One time she was outside during a really cold day FREEZING, reporting about snowmen or something, and the other two were SITTING drinking hot cocoa. It was awesome.)

Mood: Televised!