Friday, November 5, 2004 – 1:07 am

I Like the Radiation

You know, if all that was involved in cancer treatment was the radiation therapy, I’d probably start smoking or hanging around nuclear waste. Honestly. I lie down on a bed, some people draw on me, then they leave the room for 60 seconds. That’s…IT. No pain, no nausea, no dizziness, and best of all NO NEEDLES. Just lying down for one minute a day for a month. Whoop-dee-frickin’-doo.

The only real drawback is the transit time. My trip from work to the hospital is about an hour, then the trip home. Then once a week I have to bus to the General Cancer clinic to see my doctor, then go to the Civic for my treatment. I’m going to be getting quite friendly with the bus system.

So really—if you want to know what it’s like—lie down on a hard surface with your shirt off in a cold room for about a minute. Oh, and if you want I can come over and draw on you.

I draw kitties and balloons. Your pick.

Mood: Kitty!